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anyoption offers options on hundreds of underlying assets from leading stock exchanges around the globe, including stocks, commodities, indices and currency pairs, with a wide range of expiry points and profits can be as high as 1,000% per trade.
There are a number of interesting features at anyoption.With Choose Your Profit, traders can trade Binary options on their own terms. When trading with anyoption the potential profit (and risk) is always known in advance, and there’s always a safety net of a generous refund. Traders choose their risk and take control of their profits. In addition to selecting an asset and expiry time, traders can choose the desired profit and refund from the drop down menu. Standard binary options set as default for 65-71% profit if the option expires in the money and 15% refund (85% loss) if the option expires out of the money. These values can be changed whenever desired with the same risk-reward correlation.
The “Trend” feature indicates in real time whether other traders on the same option opted for Call or Put. Clicking on the pie icon in the right bottom corner brings up a clear, visual indication of Call versus Put split on this option.
Traders interested in knowing the exact expiry calculation and each asset expiry quote in real time can benefit from quotes calculated from Thomson Reuters, the leading media and information corporation. A click on the “Past Expiries” page or the options page in “My Account” reveals the real-time quotes for expiry times, as well as the last quote before the expiry and the first quote after.
Take Profit is an ideal tool for customers who are interested in locking in their binary option's profit before an asset’s expiry time. A customer who is offered Take Profit can get the promised return on his option before the original expiry time of his purchased binary option, irrelevant of the asset’s actual expiry level.
A perfect way for customers to postpone the expiry time of their binary option to the nearest available expiry time can use the Roll Forward feature. Traders using Roll Forward can postpone the expiry time of his option to the nearest available expiry time from the original expiry time.
anyoption’s new trading system ,Profit Line, allows customers access to a graph which enables them to follow the situation of their open options, to receive current and updated information on estimated profit and to buy additional options straight from the graph.
The team at anyoption believes that watching options that our traders buy or sell in real time can help traders assess their strategy better than any standard analysis tool. The top five trades are presented automatically when clicking on the Real Live Trades page. Anyone with an account already in place can see the full transaction after logging in.
Anyoption Binary Options Broker
Through the anyoption Academy, traders can access a series of videos, designed to teach how to trade binary options successfully. Included in these videos is a complete binary options trading guide. These videos can be viewed individually in the VOD section to learn about specific topics regarding binary options trading, or watched as a collective providing a step-by-step guide.The information is also available in an eBook format for those who would rather read than watch, and several trading related-articles.
At the education center, traders can learn both beginner and advanced subjects, including risk management, capital and portfolio management, tips for managing emotions and how to trade with right mind-set. In addition, there are lessons on binary options strategies, fundamental and technical, analysis, how to read charts and much more.
An interactive demo helps illustrate how to trade binary options.
Under the blog tab, viewer can read articles on what is happening in the markets on a daily basis. An Economic calendars post daily and weekly economic events that show important happenings and indicators from around the globe.
Fundamental and technical analyses round out the many features offered by this broker.
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Customer Support
Traders can reach a representative by phone at the anyoption office 24/5. A callback request and chat is also available.The website and mobile applications are fully localized in several languages, and their team of professionals provides 24/7 support and guidance. Trading is available even when markets are closed.